Hello friends!
Raise your hand if you like teaching and working on sight words? In my classroom, I use HeidiSongs to teach the words using music. What is also great about the resources on her sight, is that she has quite a few things to make games and centers for classroom use. However, for me, since I use the Daily 5 method for my literacy centers, I can go through her resources pretty quickly. One of the literacy stations is called "Word Work." For my classroom, I do a mixture of ABC letter work (games for identification, letter order, letter sounds) and sight word practice. I created a new packet for my team and I to use as it follows the words outlined in our reading basal (SRA). The activities are actually all ideas that came from my class last year, so I have to give them credit on helping this adult come up with some things a kindergartner and first grader would enjoy!
The words in the packet are: a, the, and, go, had, he, I, see, has, you, we, of, in, am, at, to, as, have, is, it.
The first set of activities comes from a group of boys in my class that loved to use color codes and find a mystery picture, whether it was symbols, numbers, or words. Here is a picture:
Here is a preview of a new unit I posted today on TeachersPayTeachers today. I created a Noah unit to use with Kindergarten and First Grade classrooms! I made a reflection journal to help apply the story of Noah to a child's life. Also, to help build life application skills, there is a graphic organizer so a child can write about four ways they obeyed just like Noah. n Included are two games; a version of "I Have, Who Has" and an Animal Matching Game. I also added a Bible verse sheet and two activity pages practicing rhyming and counting by two. Finally, there are some fun art projects: making a tissue paper rainbow and a collage of Noah and the animals. Here are some screenshots below:
Do you have Olympic fever? I do. I have always loved watching the Olympics since I can remember. When I was younger, my cousins and my sister and I would pretend we were figure skaters with our socks on linoleum flooring. I thought it would be fun to incorporate the Olympic fever into some math activities for my classroom this year. Below are some samples: